How is your business structured? Sole Proprietor
S Corp
Ekk! I am not sure. (Which is totally fine, this is what I am here for 😉)
Which of the following is the biggest motivator for outsourcing your bookkeeping? Saving time so I can focus on the income producing parts of my business
Seeing how my business is doing so I can increase profits
Removing a burden and worry
All of it!!
Something else
Where are you in your profit journey? I haven't started making sales, but I have some expenses
I have started making sales, but my expenses still exceed my sales
My sales exceed my costs, but I want larger profits
I'm profiting pretty well, but I want to grow even more
I'm happy with my profits!
I have no idea 🤯
Do you currently separate personal from business finances? No, everything is mixed together
No, but I am willing to start today!
Yes, everything is squeaky clean and separate
How are you currently keeping track of your books? Xero
Quickbooks Online
Something else
I don't 😳
Do you use Venmo or Zelle in your business? Yes
Which service are you interested in? Monthly Bookkeeping
VIP Services
I am not sure!
If we decide that working together is a good fit, when will you be ready to start? ASAP
Within the week
Within the month
Not sure, I am still looking around
Check this box to acknowledge that I do not provide income tax services
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